Posts Tagged: Israel

Review: Al Zaytouna, Unto the Breach

Playing around with Shakespeare is always a dangerous game. Playing around with Shakespeare in a way which involves the words “contemporary” and “dance” is an even riskier game – one which is played a little too often. But to give

Review: Al Zaytouna, Unto the Breach

Playing around with Shakespeare is always a dangerous game. Playing around with Shakespeare in a way which involves the words “contemporary” and “dance” is an even riskier game – one which is played a little too often. But to give

Strangers No More? A snapshot of Israel’s refugee population

When considering the possibilities of world peace, Israel is not usually the first country that springs to mind. But in the documentary Strangers No More, shown as part of London’s Jewish Film Festival, children from Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and many

Strangers No More? A snapshot of Israel’s refugee population

When considering the possibilities of world peace, Israel is not usually the first country that springs to mind. But in the documentary Strangers No More, shown as part of London’s Jewish Film Festival, children from Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and many